We UNITE for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community.
Through the community investment process, Tri-County United Way funds programs in the following categories: health, education, financial stability, and basic needs. Each funding request undergoes an extensive approval process, completed by our volunteer advisory teams, to ensure Tri-County United Way is making the most effective investments in programs that align with our goals. Below is a list of programs that received funding from the 2023 campaign.
A Place for Max
A Place for Max, providing those with intellectual and developmental disabilities a place and a purpose.
CASA of Menominee & Marinette
Child Advocate Training and Support
The mission of CASA of Menominee/Marinette is to provide quality volunteer advocacy for children who have experienced abuse or neglect involved with family court to assure each child a safe, permanent, and nurturing home.
Communities That Care of Marinette and Menominee Counties
Our mission is to promote healthy lifestyles and choices throughout our communities to benefit our youth and their families. We do this by focusing on adolescent substance use including alcohol, tobacco products, marijuana and prescription drug use by reducing youth and community risk factors and building protective factors.
Crivitz Food Pantry
Food Support
The Crivitz Area Food Pantry (CAFP) is a locally operated, private, not-for-profit organization that is 100% dependent on donations and volunteers. Our mission is to provide food for low-income families in the Village of Crivitz and surrounding communities through our pantry distribution and our local school and elderly programs.
DAR Boys and Girls Club
To promote and build character, leadership, physical well-being and self-esteem of all boys and girls, through Club interaction and social, educational and recreational activities, programs.
Dementia Friendly Community Coalition
Purple Angel Program
The mission of the Dementia Friendly Community Coalition of Marinette County (DFCC) is to create a dementia friendly community that is safe, respectful, and welcoming for people living with dementia through awareness, education and community engagement.
Healthy Youth Coalition of Marinette and Menominee Counties
A youth-driven organization dedicated to preventing and reducing substance use among youth ages 12-17 within Marinette and Menominee Counties. We aim to achieve this by providing education to youth and community members, and by implementing activities proven to prevent and delay initiation drug use of alcohol, tobacco/nicotine products, marijuana, and prescription drugs.
Kingdom Come Food Pantry
To identify the unmet needs of those of low income, the handicapped, the elderly, and those at risk in the community; To develop programs that will address those needs; To educate the public regarding those needs. To serve those in need in a way that honors God and each other.
Marinette County Elderly Services
Home Delivered Meals
Our mission at Marinette County Elderly Services (MCES) is to assist older persons in maintaining a longer, healthier, and more fulfilled life.
Marinette County Group Home Association
Bridges to Recovery – A MCGHA facility, operating as a peer-run recovery center, providing a hub for multiple prevention, treatment, and recovery resources and service connections.
Pastor Fred's Food Pantry
Nutritious Food Program
Addresses the problem of hunger, basic needs, and health. Our goal at Pastor Fred's is to buy and serve our clients with the best food we can attain.
Pioneer Presbyterian Church
Baby Care Hope
Baby Care Hope is a tangible ministry of assistance to underprivileged babies and their families in Marinette and Menominee counties. Diapers, wipes and other basic necessities are provided monthly for their child's first year of life.
Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services
Education, Parenting, and Prevention
We believe: No one deserves to be abused be it emotionally, physically, financially, or sexually. Our prime service is the safety and empowerment of all victims and their children. We Will: Provide prevention, education, and information to communities, families, and schools.
St. Joseph Conference - Marinette SSVdP
Basic Needs
In the spirit of Love and Justice, the St Joseph Conference - Marinette of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (Hereafter called SJC-SSVdP) provides person-to-person services of time, talent, and resources to help our neighbors in need without discrimination.
St. Vincent de Paul - Marinette
Preventing Hunger and Increasing Access to Healthy Food
A network of friends inspired by gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
St. Vincent de Paul - Menominee
The Menominee Conference has a food pantry and provides direct person-to-person service through home visits to families, elderly, disabled or other residents who are in need of rent, utilities, medication, transportation, fuel, or other basic needs assistance.
UP Foster Closet of Menominee
We are dedicated and united in our mission to provide assistance to children placed in local foster care or into the care of someone other than their biological parents.